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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 31st August 2012, 07:28 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
ISPA. - Ratana Thibet rd. ...

Originally Posted by Bago View Post
How does one get to this place? From the very badly done map, it seems like way out of nowhere.
-- Khun Bago,
- I have not visited either, but initially this is how I would go about it -

1.- Go to > < and download its map, wch. is in Thai; Ratana Thibet rd., (rd. no. 302.), runs HORIZONTALLY roughly across the middle and has BIG C EXTRA prominently shewn on it;
2.- Go to VICTORY MON'T. and take 'bus. #522. to THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan, (the 'bus's. 2nd. stop; the MALL will come-up on yr. RHS. ),;
3.- Cross-over the rd. and take 'bus. #18., 134., 177., 191., 337., 388. or 528. to BIG C EXTRA - Ratana Thibet rd., LHS. , (exactly where you'll be set-down I don't know, ask driver and/or 'bus-conductor - but the BIG C EXTRA should be fairly visible.); distance between THE MALL & BIG C EXTRA approx. 2.85M., (from the map.),;
4.- On the opposite side of the rd. to BIG C EXTRA, and on either side of the soi that will take you towards ISPA. should be a branches of KRUNG THAI BANK and MITSUBISHI CAR-SHOWROOMS, (?),;
5.- Consult your map for the final stages.

-- ISPA's tel.: (02)-965 7793-94. and ask for dir'ns., (English spoken - ?),.

-- Or, at THE MALL - Ngam Wongwan shew yr. map to a taxi-driver and ask him to take you thither.

-- NB.: The above is a theoretical & map-exercise; I consulted:
1.- > <
2.- BKK. City Atlas - ISBN. 9-789749 440780 - 5th. edn.;
3.- Map of BKK. - ISBN. 9 789744 850386 -
4.- BKK. Bus Guide - ISBN. 9 786169 018926 - pub'd. by Thinknet

-- "Bonne chance et bonne chasse!". --
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