Hi again Xil,
Ya, I agree that our Malaysian friends never seem to add up the total cost of chasing ONE guy - and not always successfully - when they compare prices in Thailand. They forget that buying yourself a drink, and then buying him a drink, dinner and everything else - sometimes for two or three weeks - before they score adds to the grand total.
On top of that, if they're talking about 'getting it free' at one of the gay bars in our country, then I agree with you that they're more likely to end up with a pimply mat rempit who's not going to do much more than lie there like a dead fish - rub their asses raw so that he can prove to himself that he's still a 'real man' forced to make some rich pondan happy.
And they don't seem to realise that the mat rempit is going to tell all his rempity friends about the slutty pondans he %*#$ so that the next time our Malaysian friends walk into a local gay bar, they'll be famous in all the wrong ways. They'll be the darling of the mat rempits, however, so that counts for something in their world I guess.
I know all the argments about never paying for sex, too, and all I can say is most of my friends who said the same things go to Hatyai or Phuket or Bangkok regularly and then come back and rave about how gorgeous the Thai bayboys are BUT still complain about how expensive offing a barboy is - and then after that, still insist they won't pay for sex. Go figure.
Thanks. I'm glad you like my blog. It hasn't been easy talking about my younger days and the stupidity of some of my sins then but writing about it has been a liberating and most cathartic experience so far. I just added a new post though it isn't as much about Bangkok and Pattaya as I'd like. I'll save that for the next post, I guess.
I guess I couldn't care less about wanting to look better than other people in the cyberblog world - or anywhere else for that matter. I've found that a love-me-as-I-am or leave-me-and let-me-get-on-with-my-own life attitude is the best way to live without additional stress. Took me forty years to figure that out...and I'm supposed to be intelligent, too.