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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Hat yai go go boy bars
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Old 23rd September 2012, 10:29 AM
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Since Xfun has given such a detailed report already, I'll just add the following -

1.The mamasan at Top Man was a nice, darkskinned slightly fem guy who was quite informative. He confirmed that there are now just 2 gogobars at Thai Akarn Road - Top Man and Gman (or something like that) which you reach first if you follow my directions. Gman was closed on Saturday night, and when I told the mamasan that, he me that there'd been a raid just a couple of nights ago. I think that's quite likely as the girly bars were also closed (with one exception).

2.I wish I'd gone back to check out the show because I saw two or three boys whom I wouldn't have minded taking home (all still in their street clothes as I was there early at 9.30pm) but I didn't have enough cash on me and I wanted to check out the sauna as well. I did find out however that -
Short time - 1200 Baht
Long time - 1700 Baht
*The rates quoted include the off fee. I was told that if I wanted to tip the boy a little bit extra, that would also be welcome.

3.The sauna is on the second and third floors. It was very Spartan, to put it kindly. 250 Baht gets you a towel and a lock for the locker. On the second floor, there was a lounge with some practically unused gym equipment in a corner, bath stalls and some chairs and settees placed in odd corners around the 3 rooms. On the third floor, there was a mattress on the floor in front of a curtained-off room in which settees and chairs had been placed along the walls. There was also a stage with a mannequin in of all things, a silver bridal gown.

4.The clientele was most interesting. The old uncles were mostly on the second floor while in the large curtained off room, there were about fifteen younger guys on a row of settees along one side of the room, while three or four uncles were on the sofas on the opposite side. At first, I thought the younger gentlemen were for booking (they did look nice enough for that), as they were all clad only in blue towels but I was quickly disabused of the notion when one of them started talking loudly enough for me to overhear. None of the boys there were fem in the least.

The guy who spoke was a young Indian bodybuilder (very goodlooking, too) and he was speaking Malay (with a Malaysian accent) to one of the boys and from their conversation, I deduced that the boys in that group were all there to look for maturer admirers.

I didn't hang around long since I was thinking of going back to the hotel and grabbing some cash so that I could go back and check out the gogo show at Top Man, so I can't say much more than this regarding the sauna but don't expect anything resembling Bangkok standards and if you don't speak either Thai, Chinese or Malay, I imagine you'd have a difficult time getting further with the young admirers of senior men since they seemed rather shy.

I didn't have time to check out Buddy as my time was limited, but I couldn't find the karaoke mentioned earlier, either.

I am quite happy that I really took the time to go see the bars and sauna for myself at last. Trips to Hatyai to see my relatives won't be quite so staid and boring in future.
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