Originally Posted by Mark86
I read this rather long narrative about a farang from Australia and his experiences...The story is extremely long. Any comments?
Read about 25% of it before I gave up.
No real character development although some attempt is made by describing 'William's' earlier years.
The story is incredibly repetitive and lacking in depth. It could be condensed to a few pages get across the essential point that Thai go go boys are bad and Oz farang is stupid.
Using smaller face type and no bold I managed to reduce it to 100 or so pages.
Of course I know of many cases where farangs have been bled to death. Funny how it has never happened to thousands of others who have lived long and happy lives with Thai male partners. I know of many personally.
The fictional (?factional) character's daughter (
OMG) sums it up really when she meets her gay father's bad Thai boyfriend when she says:
“Let’s face it dad, someone his age is not going to love someone your age,” she added later.
“I know I know,” William replied. “Don’t rub it in.”
Clearly he hasn't got a clue.
An by the way this character goes on a 50 day bender!!!