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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Massage Venues
Thread: Massage Venues
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Old 26th October 2012, 03:10 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

1.Jclub in soi decho is confirmed. had an ex gogoboy at reception. Opens 12.00-3.00 (AM!).
BUT: seems to me this soi is getting into the mainland Chinese mood-and I have some fear they work on that same principle-ripoff and all that.
2.sorry-to my post above-I got things messed up. But is also seems noone has noted as of yet.
MODEL Relax is NOT LdPrao 94, but off a subsoi in LardPrao 71-other side, before the BigC, citybus 156 runs via it. From the pix it also seems that most former Handsome staff is now there-so it may have moved and renamed.
Went to AQUA last week and had a good time. This place is really well run and clean and well-managed. Was now quoted 450 bt/1 hr-but the room was bare, with just a table and clock-which did not work.
A said he was from Loei (which I still doubt) spoke good americanish and did a good msg too-working slowly upward. When he was at the middle region, he suddenyl started all kinds of other gropes-and then asked: you like this? further-you like this? etc and it went on. Funny and arousing indeed. I guess you miss that if you preorder anything. His 11th finger also poked strong and kept this all the time. Alas one cannot have it all-format was also not much more as a normal finger.
But again it proved itsnot just size etc that makes things pleasant.
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