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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Sauna report
Thread: Sauna report
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Old 27th October 2012, 07:40 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
GAYA SAUNA - R'othin. ...

-- A few add'n. points about GAYA SAUNA - RATCHAOTHIN -
1.- Unless there are concessions adm'n. is 180.Bh. per capite;
2.- Concessions:
2.1.- Until 31 oct. and between 15.-17.oo.hrs. - free entry &
2.2.- Bring cut-out coupon from freebie & monthly Desire magazine - > Bangkok Desire แมกกา‹ี™€กยŒ—ˆ*‡ €—ีˆยวราย€”ื*™ < -; to obtain: 'Come two - pay for one.'; no time limit mentioned;
3.- Locker contains:
3.1.- one Condom & one sachet of lube.;
3.2.- Two hand-towel sized towels;
4.- Lockers are locked by integral lock & ext'l. padlock;
5.- Because of the small sized towels most people continued to wear their briefs/u'pants. except when in the sauna, shower and/or steam room;
6.- Only one shower with hot water heater seen, that was near to the small fitness center/gym.; remainder, mostly on outdoors' & garden level - are cold water;
7.- Sel'n. of drinks - not free - available in Karaoke room;
8.- No mouthwash seen to be available;
9.- No handrails for stairs leading-down from sauna's and showers' garden-floor level - so be careful when descending!
10.- The roof-garden seems to be well laid-out and would probably be a great place to relax during times of clement weather.

-- When I was there I was the only farang; most of the others were late 20s. to mid-30s. I'd guestimate; only one obviously older Thai seen.
- Only activity seen was either in the steam-room or in the dry heat sauna. Naked Zone seemed to be nigh-on deserted.
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