Silom complex shopping plaza ...
-- On sunday morning, 28 oct., my Enthusiastic & American Friend came-IN to Town and wanted to have a look-see in the recently refurbished SCSP.;
- We both agreed that -
1.- judging by the users the 2fl. hawng nahms, both in CENTRAL DEP'T. STORE and in the PLAZA, were the most popular; however janitresses were present in each one. There are LOW-level partitions between each pissoir: enough to prevent any hand-contact but not so high that tall farangs aren't able to look-over and see what's on display.
2.- SCSP. is no longer the place for lingering, either over a cup of coffee or for leaning-on the railings and observing the body-traffic entering or leaving. I was given to u'stand. that CHESTER'S COFFEE & GRILL will not be returning; most of the other coffee & eating places looked as though they are set-up for those wanting to drink and/or eat and then to leave soon thereafter - an HIGH & rapid turn-over of customers; possibly the only exception being STARBUCKS on the ground floor and with its view looking-out at Si Lom rd.?
3.- an emphasis on trying to attract either an HIGHER-So and female or JP. clientele, we felt.
4.- many pieces of eye-candy with several pairs seen walking hand-in-hand and enjoying the pleasures of eachother's company.