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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Cruising Spots (Updated List?)
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Old 30th November 2012, 02:57 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

nothing much to report from me-as I was in Vnam for 12 days lately. There they still have that charming old Asian custom that I never saw here in TH; I just want to talk to you to practice my english, which was already better as most Thai could produce. A very boyish, barely 18 and just in Saigon as student for 3 month out of the province, preparing for IT-studies, but having no computer nor even mobuy fone. Ironed shirt and pressed as the 90ies. In the park beside the low-budget (good rooms with Ac, Tv, fridge go for 10US) PhamNguLao area.
Hit him again 1 week later after my trip and just before flying out. Sweetheart had even made some little present now. But -to my amazement-it was not even a ploy about selling things or whatever. In fact there are not even sellers allowed in that park-for drinks etc. However-there was some ploy set up. About any Thai student I've ever met is already thoroughly spoilt when he is 18. This one was green as grass. But a very shy but for me much more attractive young mate was standing by-and smiling. So at the end-i had some money left- and darkness was falling (which also means they would need to hurry to catch the last bus there), i asked if they would know some good place for dinner together? After much talking between them they asked very shyly if that new BurgerKing across the road would be OK? (brand new-MacDon has not yet made it into VN). Would have been my last choice, but why not, I was not much impressed by VN food anyway.
They even did not order the highest price item (common for any Thai) and then we sat- both had names Nguyen (say like Hwin or so)-like any Korean is named Kim. Nr 2 had secured a bit secluded bench seat at the back and as we sat, he also started to touch knees etc. It progressed and after a while nr 1-the boy with better english- bent forward and whispered: he like you so much! It turned out they were old friends from the same province and living-not in the same room, in a student dorm in Cholon. I made expressly sure that my money was about finished and that I had to reach the airport the morning after-early. No-you do not speak about such things in VN-you just do. There turned out to be another bus till 21.00 for nr 1 and HTls with short time are even more rife there as in TH here (2US/hr).
Just by chance- and do not rush there, as I guess this is not so common to be reckoned on.
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