"Sleeze bars" up-date wanted
I dislike the usual boy-bar concept with "dancing" on stage, "shows" and limited possibilities for a closer contact in the bar to "check the merchandize". Prefer the "sleezier" bars, such as A-boys.
So, can anyone of you guys give an up-date on BKK-bars such as;
A-boys (rumur say it is closed), the rather new bar on street-level and to the right of A-boys, Golden Cock, Nature Boys and Screwboys (if that can be categorized as "sleeze" nowadays)
And for Pattaya; Happy Boys, Eros and the bar (forgot the name) up-stairs close to soi VC but in direction Sunnee-plaza.
Are there any other bars of this type which I missed??
Would appreciate any information For my up-comming visit to BKK and Pattaya!