Originally Posted by buzzard
Two questions on the "new" bar; how much are they asking for drinks? And how many dancers do they have?
as I said drinks were 280 Baht - g&t (I think there was probably some g in there somewhere) and "black" soda, didn't see the price of a beer for one of the go-go dancers
new owners, so previous discount arrangements with mamasans (many of whom are still there) may or may not still apply, and again this was opening night so prices may or may not be more negotiable other nights
at about 11:30 there where 3 go-go dancers on stage, joined by 4 others just before the show started and I could see at least 3-4 others around sitting with customers - all in white briefs (the go-go dancers, not the customers!) - again this was a "special" night, not sure what the usual turnout may be