Originally Posted by sextile
-- Khun Biggles.,
- As 'Our man in Pattaya.' - You may remember that HAPPY PLACE used to run Boys' Bingo every 22nd. of the month, wch. eventually stopped and something similar was started by EROS BAR?
- Does EROS still run that sort of event and, if so, when is it? IE. - on a fixed date every month, a set day of every month or whenever the fancy strikes?
- Thanks in advance for yr. reply. -- 
Indeed Eros does run a monthly Boy Bingo on 6th of each month (so last night!) starting about 9.30 pm. I walked past the balloon festooned venue last night, but had other fish to fry
For regular updates on Pattaya bars and events I can recommend Nicky's website.
nicky at nickysgaypattaya dot com