-- SILOM COMMUNITY CLINIC, present data -
> Addr.: BKK. Christian Hospital,
Si Lom rd., Bang rak,
BANGKOK, 10500.;
> BTS.: Sala Daeng, (S2.),;
> Tel.: (02)-634 2917., (02)-634 2945.;
> Mob.: (085)-123 8738.;
> E-mail: >
silom@silomclinic.in.th <
> Web: >
> Hrs.: Tue.-Sat.
SCC. will
CLOSE at the a/m. address on
27 oct. 2013. and will move to -
> Addr.: 12/4., Soi Sana rak,
Ratha Withi rd., Ratcha withi,
BKK., 10400.;
> BTS.: Victory Monument , (N3.).;
> Dir'ns., on foot, from BTS. -
>1.- Exit the stn. and walk NORTH, twds. Mo Chit/Chatuchak,
>2.- Take the first main rd. to yr.
LEFT - Ratcha withi rd.;
>3.- Walk for approx.
500.yds., (Pramongkutklao Hosp. on yr.
RHS.); on yr.
LHS. you will see Soi Sena rak;
>4.- Turn
LEFT along Soi Sena rak, walk-on a few yds, and you will see the clinic's ent'ce. on your
LHS., (just where the soi makes a distinct
RH. turn.),.
SCC. will
RE-OPEN at the new address on
05 nov. 2013., (
Guy Fawkes' night for the Brits. amongst us!),.
E&OE. as I'm relying-on s/h. info. from one of the Clinic's med. staff.
NB.2.: A map is available from SCC..