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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Is BKK safe now??
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Old 23rd January 2014, 12:34 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Protesters & si lom rd. ...

Originally Posted by pong View Post
Regular Qs like that are already answered a plenty in any mainstream forum.
Traffic is bad yes and no:
YES-actually there is no traffic at all-in/around mob-sites, they also block the end of Silom near RamIV-but then I guess even in normal times that end of Silom would also be no-no for parking. Have not been there, but Silom is said to be a giant walking street. Portests often grow considerably after work-when the flagbearing whistleblowers come out.
NO-its much quieter in other main streets as normal.
Best advice is to park at an outer garage and use BTS.
... .

-- Khun Pong has offered a fair summary.
- The Thai-JP. overpass is CLOSED, as is Rama IV. rd from its i'sect. with Suriwong/Henri Dunant rds. SEwards towards Sathorn rds.; but m/c. taxis and regular taxis are allowed through. Road-traffic is allowed from the Naras Thiwat/Chong Nonsi i'sect. as far as Tnn. Thaniya, at wch. point it must turn LEFT along Thaniya to Suriwong rd..
- Correct - the Rama IV. end of Si Lom rd. is a giant walking street with food stalls and other booths selling tee-shirts etc. etc..
- Some massage parlors remain OPEN for business - such little as it might be.
- But Khun Pong's advice about parking is best: park at an outer garage or BTS./MRT. stn. and take the SkyTrain/MRT.. If one must bring-in one's car as one wishes to stay late in BKK. then seek a parking space on S'wong. rd or in one of the hotels' garages along S'wong. rd., (not too far to walk back.),.
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