It dawned on me this week, that there are now more host boys in the Jomtien bars than Sunnee, which is close to dead. There are only 5 remaining go-go bars in Sunnee, of which Crazy Dragon is the only one worth visiting (Eros hosts are now the dregs and Happy not much better.)
Boystown is also relatively quiet, and I guess as prices have crept up, and benefits been withdrawn (no more 1/2 price coupons at Funny Boys), the many farang living or staying in Jomtien (also fed up with the traffic jams to get to Pattaya at night) are now staying around Jomtien.
In Jomtien the main soi is packed with beer bars (and offers of "massage") including one almost entirely manned by Cambodians, who unfortunately seem more interested in playing with each other than the customers