Originally Posted by gregvc
... .
Is BKK going to be a pedestrian paradise?
Many years ago when I was living in MNL. there was a similar problem of booths, stalls, goods laid-out for sale on the sidewalks all gradually taking-over and forcing pedestrians to walk on the dangerous streets.
The above resulted in a campaign for 'Pedestrians to reclaim the sidewalks.'.
Possibly the same should be tried here in BKK.?
I am all for private enterprise, but just howmany of the stalls are really owned by the stall-holders themselves as opposed to their being employees of others?
One sees the same stalls selling the same 'Real imitations.', rip-offs and cheap touristy tat day after day.
Possibly an exchange could be made along the lines of: ' Keep the sidewalks clear and the BMA. will CLOSE the TOP end of SI Lom rd. every sunday until say 15.hrs. for stall-holders and suchlike?