Depends on the guy. Some (the really good ones) like to have their bared head caressed by your tongue, or the edge of the head gently massaged by your lips, or you tongue them under the frenulum or sometimes a few light swipes over the peehole (you pull the skin back over the head to do this). In any event, you (always gently) pull the skin back to do these things, otherwise. Experiment to see what gets him going. Some have very sensitive heads (more so years ago then now, I think because of all this rough and more frequent masturbating guys do these days; and, others are inclined to "wear" their skin pulled back - that practice, over time, desensitizes them). As a rule of thumb guys with thick leathery foreskins have less sensitive heads. Otherwise, it's just like sucking any other dick.
My name "HoneyPot" is what I call that uncut puppy when the precum starts to fill up that tasty foreskin. Yum. I'm wettin' my pants just thinking about it. Hence the user name. It's not me, rather, that's what I look for. Uncut precummers (WM's over 45).