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Old 18th December 2014, 09:54 AM
infopop's Avatar
Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557

Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Keith's account is still being monitored by one of his assistants.

Most people who stop on this site are just looky-loos, not even in Thailand or have ever been here.
Howdy. This is Bob, the consultant who had worked with Keith since 2000. I have always used the "infopop" account for programming and editing things on the various sites. After his passing, the Executor of Keith's estate asked me to take charge of the business on an interim basis. This is also why you see newsletters sent out from "Bob S." as "Manager/Editor" of the sites.

The business status changed in September, 2013 when ownership of the sites was transferred to my own company to facilitate the closing of Keith's estate.

My time is constrained by being a full-time caregiver for my disabled partner and also by being the only person working on technical issues such as the rehosting of our servers with our ISP. I've chosen to concentrate time on the most active parts of the sites, which are the Sex Listings and the Cruising for Escorts sites. Both of these are updated on a daily basis Monday through Friday.

Some time ago Keith and I had several discussions about the future of the Message Board and we concluded that it was losing relevance with the rise first of Craigslist and then of the various hook-up apps. We never did come up with a strategy or decision on what to do about the Message Board.

At this time, my priorities are (1) Continue daily updates on the Sex Listings and Escort site; (2) Send newsletters to subscribers; (3) Complete the server migration with our ISP; (4) Upgrade the software for the Sex Listings and the main 'www' Home Page and related pages; (5) Make the sites mobile-friendly.

I don't believe it's possible, given our resources, that we can compete with CL or the hookup apps. However, the Sex Listings database is a valuable asset that I intend to expand and improve.

As for the Message Board, I really don't know where it fits into all of that. One of my thoughts has been to simplify the registration process. Keith had wanted to collect oodles of structured data in the user profiles, but my feeling is that people are deterred by seeing so many questions on such a long form.

Also, since we ask people NOT to post their email addresses and contact info in Sex Listings reviews, the registration form from the Message Board software is an impediment to people connecting with each other.

As you can see, my plate is very full. Your suggestions are welcome. I'd like to think that these sites exist for you, the members and guests, since your reviews and postings make up the content that other members and guests enjoy. I can't promise that every suggestion will be implemented nor even that my own priorities and deadlines can be met.

Nonetheless, I am grateful for everyone who participates, whether by writing something, reading, or simply being here.

Bob S.
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