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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Anyone every look up old sex buddies online?
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Old 2nd June 2015, 02:11 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Originally Posted by infopop View Post
I was one of those who had to "figure everything out" before I actually did anything. :-)
Thank god I was not like that or I would STILL be a virgin!

Originally Posted by infopop View Post
Of course, those were difficult years to come out and start having sex, since HIV/AIDS was am ever-present issue.

I know exactly what you mean - I so wanted to "out grow" fooling around with guys since I did not want to catch anything. And right at the time I started to get comfortable with the idea of anal sex the news starts saying that is how it is spread - and that scared me farther back into the closet.

Originally Posted by infopop View Post
A few times I've looked for some of the guys I played with. I saw a couple familiar names on Facebook but they didn't have photos and I wasn't sure if it was them, although the city or state was correct.
It is funny when you find them. You know they remember as well - but you can't message them "Hi. Remember me? We used to blow each other at summer camp."

But I found one guy who I was SURE was going to be gay - and he was living in San Francisco - which I took to be proof as everyone knows there are no heterosexuals in San Fran!

And there he is with his wife and kids! I know that does not mean he is completely straight - but still surprised the hell out of me.

Originally Posted by infopop View Post
I did find a few guys from those years who I did not play with. The ones who had been friends I became friends with on FB and it was good to reconnect. I sometimes wonder what happened to the others.

It really is fun. So much time has passed you would never have enough in common to call / visit - but it is great to just get an idea what became of them through FB.

In that sense I envy the kids in college today - they get a school e-mail address they will have for life - and years later they can contact someone and just say "hi".
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