Originally Posted by KewlDewd66
The 12-13 year olds are not receiving any warning, for the acts that may change their lives for better or worse, far beyond eating a chocolate bar which happens to be appropriately named.
Very true. By 12 or 13 although I still thought I would out grow it someday - I already knew that my interest in guys was stronger than theirs was. The gym showers, sleepovers - I only had one thing on my mind. But instinctively I knew not to say anything. Even with guys I fooled around with it would always start with talking about girls - it was really "don't ask don't tell" in a workable situation.
Originally Posted by KewlDewd66
There you have a successful dude who owns/runs his or corporate business. He chooses to come out. Sure, welcome to the tribe.  . Think now of a college dude who depends on his possibly conservative parents, who may totally disown him? He braves this step, too. The former dude ain't really going to fire/disown himself. The latter may end up with a huge debt, possibly homeless. Go, figure...
And when I was young the stigma was still very strong. Even in college the few that were fairly open about it were relegated to a different status. "Oh that's Paul. He's the gay guy"
I am still not "out", I am just me. And to this day I still don't see what business it is of anyone that I like to suck cock.