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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - From Sex Listings: Portland Porn Theatre Action
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Old 21st June 2015, 01:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

That review really does have the "ring of truth" to it -

I wonder why they have gloryhole booths if people go at it right in the theater?

It amazes me when I read about guys getting completely naked or fucking in a public theater - would be great to see but I don't think my upbringing would ever let me join in that far!

I have always wanted to go to a "real" porn theater. Where I grew up in high school there was a drive in outside the city limits that would run a couple of Disney films each year - so they could say they were serving all aspects of the community - but most of the summer they ran porn. The real cheap 70's porn. They never checked ID's (you were supposed to be 21) but as long as you were driving they figured you were old enough. Amazing after a few beers how many straight buddies would say "fuck it I'm gonna go for it" and pull their pants down to jack off. Although with a lot of guys that was as far as it went, thankfully not all of my straight buddies ended up being completely straight!

Where I live now in Los Angeles there are 2 real porn theaters that I am aware of. Never gone to either of them. One is in Hollywood and reports are it is mostly full of meth heads looking for air conditioning - and it gets busted by cops a lot. The other is in West Hollywood and is a gay porn theater - but they say it is expensive with limited traffic and reports are a lot of guys that are full of themselves. Someday I will make the trip to the westside and check it out...

I don't understand how some of the guys go to places like that and get upset if some of the guys are older, out of shape, etc. As KD said - these are not the places you go to meet a boyfriend or have sex with a super stud - these are the places you go to get off. Sure he may not be your ideal man - but he has what you need right now.
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