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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - How young is too young to come out?
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Old 16th August 2015, 10:09 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
To make the matters worse in this context, hanging out, or even being 'friends' with someone who is being perceived as gay or is openly gay, may scratch a dude's perfect str8 image with no benefit to him whatsoever.

Although I never had the luck you do hear tales of the star of the football team that had a sex buddy or some such set up. When I was a kid it would have been "guilt by association" - you did not hang out with the gay guys, or the druggies, etc and if you did other kids and parents would assume you were involved as well. The only group you could hang out with and not be part of were the jocks - but that is because it was assumed that "everyone wants to be a jock".

With my buddies I fooled around with there was no talk of romance or love - we kept it on a physical level - it was a need -we never wanted to address the fact it was also a desire.

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Fortunately, things have changed a lot recently. A number of str8 guys have gay friends, since the stigma attached to being gay is largely gone. But for the less liberal minded, small-town folks, the risk is unwelcome even these days.

Things have changed dramatically. When I was a kid you would have avoided they gay kid. Now there would be pressure NOT to ostracize someone just because he is gay.

However as KewlDewd stated previously - I don't understand why it is anyone business.

And some of these kids "coming out" on youtube or the like - some of them have not even hit puberty or have never had sex. And for them to be publicly stating they are gay - that is putting a life label on them way to young.

There were lots of guys that fooled around with other guys in their teens that eventually moved on to women - got married - had children - and many of them are very happy straight men - despite their youthful playing around.

It seems like today there is almost to much pressure to "accept who you are" and not accept that these are still kids trying to figure out who they are and maybe they are just trying different things as they work on learning who and what they will be as adults.
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