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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - How young is too young to come out?
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Old 21st August 2015, 09:13 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557

Originally Posted by weekend_boy View Post
'Coming out' on the internet is not that big of a deal; unless, of course, you use your real name and make it easy for friends and family to find.
Related but not quite the same, I read a news story this morning about reactions and fallout from the Ashley Madison hack. I posted that link to Facebook with this comment:

For heaven's sake. Anyone who's using Ashley Madison or any hookup site or app should be smart enough to use a unique email address and, if they must pay, a unique and private credit or prepaid debit card. If you're going to lead a secret life, there's sensible precautions to keep it secret. If they don't do that, it doesn't take hackers for the secrets to be revealed.
This is apropos to gay sites and apps including here on CFS. Yesterday I had a request to delete someone's profile because their username had come up in a Google search.

The CFS member profiles are not supposed to be indexed by Google or other search engines because of some back-end programming. This particular member's profile was not on Google, but a reply he made in a Message Board discussion did appear. To reiterate, posts on the Message Board, the Sex Listings, the Personals (Communal Stall) and the AdoptASexPig site do get indexed.

Thus, the usernames here do appear. We (moderators and I) try to edit Message Board posts to delete email addresses and contact info, and I do the same with the Sex Listings. However, your username is going to be out there.

About the Personals, the posts there "expire" after a certain time and I've followed a "use at your own discretion" policy there, letting people post what they want while suggesting they use common sense about contact information. The Pig site, meanwhile, was a pet project of Keith's from about 2005 onward; it gets little traffic these days and I may repurpose it at some point.

To get back on topic, there's an awful lot of people who have what we might call "multiple identities" or "multiple behaviors" but who simply don't use common sense when posting on the Internet or talking about their sexual selves. Many are too trusting of the security of random sites, others don't think about the idea that what they post now might be captured and re-posted elsewhere, even if they delete it. It's not just politicians and celebrities who learn this lesson to their dismay.

Now on to work, busy day ahead. ~ Bob
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