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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Sex in Athens, Greece
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Old 14th October 2015, 10:52 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 885

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
My buddies and I had no doubt that other dudes were doing the same.
That was always in the back of my mind (and often still is). You know a percentage of the guys you meet are gay, a larger percentage will fool around if the situation is right and an even larger percentage have done it at some time in their past. So often I would find myself thinking "I wonder if he..." - something I tried NOT to think about back in the days of open showers!

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
The attraction of the m2m sex beyond the obvious, i.e. getting your rocks off, which ALL the guys involved wanted to get, regardless of their real sexual orientation was the simple fact that no further obligations, consequences, gossip, etc. were likely to occur at any time. You connected with your buddies, fooled around, came for more or not. The sex did not carry any further consequences. We were in it for the pure fun factor.
That is one part of gay life that I think social acceptance harms - the idea of sex for sex sake. Sure there are websites and apps that still help with that - but society is pushing marriage and commitment these days.

I was trying to explain to someone the other day that I had buddies and sex was one of the things we did. There was no romance - we had sex because it felt good. We could be playing one on one basketball - sneak behind the garage and blow each other - and then get back to the game. Nothing promised - nothing said.

Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Sure, one or the other dude fell for someone, and wanted more. Some got it, the others did not. But hardly any drama over it ever ensued. It was a NSA play, and no one doubted that.
There were sometimes when someone would get a bit jealous but you realized there was nothing to be done. You did not have a commitment to each other - you knew it was supposed to be just for fun - but sometimes you did develop emotions. But you also realized that you just had to live with it and move on.
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