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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Google Message: Sex Listings Server Hacked?
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Old 11th July 2016, 03:16 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557
Google Message: Sex Listings Server Hacked?

Yesterday I received an email from Google: "Hacked content detected on" This is the server where the CFS Sex Listings are located.

The email said that the "site has been hacked by a third party who created malicious content on some of your pages," and it gave me four URLs (addresses of web pages) on the site.

This was sent yesterday while I was handling sick elderly dogs and also dealing with my ex-partner who had just been discharged from the hospital again. I'm having some serious health issues as well, but all of this is besides the point. I didn't get to investigate using Google's tools and my own until later in the evening.

By the time I looked at the pages there was no "malicious content" on them and nothing that should not be there.

I believe the problem came from one of the advertising banners CFS shows which are hosted by a "third-party" site. There is more than one of these used on CFS.

I have seen this happen on other sites with third-party ads where the page is blocked by my antivirus software. My antivirus did not find any problems with the Sex Listings URLs Google sent me, nor with the Sex Listings sub-home page.

Based on this, I conclude that the advertiser detected the problem and resolved. This does leave consequences for sites like CFS. Although I've submitted a "reconsideration request" to Google, they do say that their review process "can take several weeks." In the meantime, any of the Google search results for the Sex Listings come up with a warning message:

This site may be hacked.

This type of warning does not come up on Yahoo! Ir Bing.

I have no way of knowing which ad banner it was nor – being the only person working with CFS – having the time to investigate log files, contact every possible advertiser, etc. There is simply too much to do and too little time.

Having said that, I am running far, far behind today. I will probably not be able to complete daily site updates and check the CFS Editor account email until much later today.

In addition, I put on the CFS Home Page this weekend that I was working on a way for CFS Members to donate to the site. This also is delayed. It is one emergency after another. An explanation of that plan is too long to include here, also off subject.

In the interest of transparency and to preserve CFS' reputation while Google does what ever it does, I'm placing a link to this on the CFS Home Page and also the Sex Listings sub-home page.

You are welcome to comment or make suggestions, but please understand that I may not be able to follow up on your ideas.

~ Bob S.

PS. If you ever have a warning from your antivirus or from a search engine about any part of CFS, please let me know immediately via my CFS Profile or by using the Contact Form so that I can address it.

Last edited by infopop; 11th July 2016 at 03:46 PM.
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