Originally Posted by trainnut
Where do you get the idea that gay rights are more important that religious rights?
In no way do I believe gay rights are more important than religious or any other rights.
However as KewlDewd66 points out - if you are going to be in a position of working with the public you should not let your personal views be your guide.
Should the government do nothing if a business says they are not going to serve Blacks? Or Hispanics? Say instead of 2 gays wanting a wedding cake it was a mixed race couple and since the baker believes people should only marry in their same race they refuse them service?
Personally I agree with you - if I wanted a gay wedding cake I would not want to support a bakery that was against gay marriage - but that does not mean the bakery should have the right to say "We are good Christians - we will not sell cakes to Jews" or any other group.
Everyone has the right to believe whatever they want - but it is the job of the government to make sure that a persons individual bias does not allow them to treat any group as second class citizens.