The reply above seems to lack perspective. The Supreme Court is to review law and determine if it is in accordance with the Constitution.
Abortion, gay marriage and transgendered bathrooms are no where to be seen in the founding documents. All of these items belong to the states as the 10th amendment allows.
The Nation was founded as a confederation of independent states with a weak federal government to administer interstate commerce, national defense and international affairs. The whole DC enterprise has metastasized to the leviathan we have today where we have to have a presidential election to determine to fate of relatively minor court cases. All citizens should demand a return to the prominence of the states. Imagine, Jonn3, California would easily pass any gay friendly legislation the community could create. States such as Utah would be free to continue defining marriage as traditionally understood, bakers could decline to bake gay cakes and freedom would expand. If your state passed or failed to pass laws you want you can vote with your feet.
We should stop trying to change the way we were founded and use the existing mechanisms to affect the laws we want