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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Young Straight Dudes Paying for Sex
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Old 27th November 2016, 10:30 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400

Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
I find this relatively new phenomenon all over the place - not just bars or gays bars - everywhere that people used to go to meet new people.

Everything now is a group going out together and you do not interact with "strangers", you stay with your group. It makes it so difficult to make new friends and expand your social circle.

I can see the apps replacing gay bars for hook ups - but sometimes you just need to get out of the house and meet someone new and most of the places people freak out if a stranger starts talking to them.
Very true!

I have also noticed that the apps are now starting to develop the same symptoms if you will.

People chat you up. Much of it stays within the 'How are you doing?' range.

I doubt that the guys using Grindr really want to engage in civilities only. Yet, the fear/social incompetence is out there doing well and getting stronger by the day.

Few people dare to ask anything beyond the aforementioned civilities.

If you asked, 'What are you up to?', the chances are that the dude would run for the hills and say, 'Nothing'.

If you asked, 'Who/what are you looking for?', the chances are that the dude will get all-defensive as in, 'nothing in particular'?

The more empty, easy, cheap, effortless communication we have the less value there is to it.

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