Update again-mstly closures:
As reported HERO closed, but has since been replaces by a saakaa-temp. baracks, of Prince with its high prices. Initial reports not too promising
S52 has closed-which would have fit the bill for above-just behind the Tesco there.
The BANK-continuaiton of old K-Male, in/beyond Sapan Mai, nack side of DMK, has closed, house is empty and for sale
Baan Kluay, a saakhaa of RuenRabROng, was at main rd RamKamHaeng, near the also near closed old gay-disco place
Private22, off PHahonyotin8, has closed ages ago-site is already taken for new condo to be built
The reincarnation of the old Body Club is in Sukhumvit-near BangCHak-even with the old furniture, and some of its old guys, but was closed last time I went by-anyone knows more?
Waternest in Sukh 31 also closed-had a large yacoozee.
NEW and at its start heavily promoted were the Dr. Bear places-nearby the R3 dauna, behind Tesco/Fortune Town and since also a saakhaa off Sukhumvit. By now most of these places use fb pages and as I simply refuse to do that (access only with your own account), no info from that.