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Old 16th June 2017, 08:45 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

You have a good point when you say "Partly I think because there are many guys who are on the DL and really have no intention of meeting. At least where you are physically present you present a level of accountablility."

When cruising online there are a lot of guys who I think use them as a "chat room" and just get off sitting at their computer. If you go to a bar or a club you have made much more of a commitment to it.

Mind you that is all theoretical from my point of view - although I have gone to the ABS for years I have always been too far in the closet to go to a bar. As for the baths I wish when I was younger and in better shape I had the courage to try it - but I didn't. And here in Los Angeles I see posts from people complaining out the "old trolls in their 40's" at the baths - so in my 50's and overweight I don't think that is the answer for me!
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