Right now, a little before 7 pm CDT, the Sex Listings are still down. I have a tech support person who has helped with the new servers looking at it.
There had been a number of other issues before parts of the site crashed:
- The Search page still was not working
- Some of the pages' layout was rendering incorrectly, showing bits of the back-end code or other HTML that shouldn't be there - long description, longer reasons why
- The page to "Suggest a New Place" for the Sex Listings is not working
- The "toolbar" - the black bar with a teeny-tiny menu at the bottom of CFS pages -- does not always appear
- Some have said that the site is slow or that they have problems with Registration (more than usual)
I'm sure there are other things that will come up. My #1 priority right now is to bring the Sex Listings back up, make sure the pages are readable, fix the Search function, then move on to the other issues.
If there's anything else, please reply here. I'll be sure to see it.
Bob S. ~ Manager / Editor