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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - they merged MD DC and NOVA message boards?
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Old 11th October 2018, 03:03 PM
CapitalUncut's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Lupine56 View Post
It is a large area - Even with no traffic it's at least 2 hrs and I'm over an hour to the western borders (and southern board border), With NoVA traffic, can take two hours to get into DC! (personally I don't even go near the beltway zone, traffic's never worth the trip for a hookup.
Which is why in the posting guidelines it says to always include where you are looking in the title. That goes for DC itself; and any other area one might visit as well.

As I said 10 years ago, if board traffic grows sufficiently to justify separate sections again, we'll do it. Otherwise, use the board as recommended and you'll probably make out just fine.

For the longest time Craigslist killed almost all of the sites like CFS. Fortunately, we held on. Now that Craigslist is out of the personals, guys are coming back. If you have suggestions, visit the Feedback forum and share it!
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