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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Married Guys Going Gay AGAIN?
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Old 8th November 2020, 12:58 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Originally Posted by lonewoof View Post
...he didn't want to cheat on her with another woman but another guy was more justifiable to him.
It is interesting the guys who feel it is not cheating - or less cheating - if they have sex with another man rather than a woman. You see posts "My wife no longer wants to have sex and I am not ready to give up on sex but I love her" and so they find an outlet that they think is not cheating - just sex.

Originally Posted by lonewoof View Post
On a different note, one guy explained the "I like dick but I'm not gay" thing. They liked sucking cock and hooking up with another guy and everything that m2m sex entails, but they could never form feelings toward another man at all.
I often wonder about guys like that - if they were growing up today when being gay does not have the same negative stigma it had when they were kids - if their feelings would be different? I remember as kids the worst thing you could call another boy was "fag" - if asked I could not tell you anyone I knew growing up that was gay - sure there were guys I fooled around with - but none of us were gay - that was wrong. And a lot of guys still seem to have the same mindset - "I could never have feelings for a guy - I just like the sex".

But now Middle Schools often have "gay / straight alliance" clubs and things to help kids deal with their feelings - something unheard of when I was young. You see YouTube videos of young kids coming out. The view of society has changed a lot in one generation.
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