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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Advise on hotel
Thread: Advise on hotel
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Old 29th August 2002, 08:35 AM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 25
Pinnacle telephones

When I read this post on telephones I happed to be at the Pinncle. I checked it out. It is 7 baht per call, to Cell phines will be higer rates. However how long you are connected doesn't affect the bill that much. For a really long call like on for an hour internet is 20 baht. What cost if you have automatic redial set on your computer and every time you loose conectoion it will keep redialing all night if you leave the computer on. Every time it calls it will be another 7 baht. so it was not how long you call but how often.
