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Old 5th June 2001, 04:43 AM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 11
Post Aaron's Adventures in Russia - Update Five

Hey folks!

Having a blast here. This place is fun. As always, you can find the picturse on my website. There are ten pictures from Russia today. Fun fun! You can find them here:

And as always, you can order the videos by going here:


Day 5 - Two Bottoms and a Sailors

June 5
Hotel Pulvoskaya, St. Petersburg

Quick question, folks. You all answered my last question on the time difference between NYC and St. Pete (8 hours). Now here's one: the water in St. Petersburg is very unsafe for Americans to drink. (If you fill the bathtub with water you will see that it is definitely green in color). How about the water in Moscow? I have found conflicting reports on various travel websites. Can anyone help me learn whether we have to keep washing our teeth with bottled water? Thanks! Now on with the update...

I'm exhausted, folks. I mean real dead tired. Two nights ago I only got an hour of sleep. Last night wasn't that bad, as I managed to sleep 2-3 hours. I woke up as Maxim returned from Club 69 with Anton, the 19 year-old cadet (who turned out not to be a cadet - it was a misunderstanding). The two of them immediately hopped onto Maxim's cot. It was a tight fit, but they managed quite well.

I started to go back to sleep, but woke up again a few minutes later when I sensed Timo was irritated. Rather than say anything out loud, Timo wrote me a note that Maxim or Anton were jerking the other off below their sheet. Sure enough, there was a steady moving rhythm in the sheet. I became irritated too, but wasn't sure what to do about it. Maxim does have a right to go to bed with whom he chooses, and he did find this guy on how own. Yet I thought it was inconsiderate of Maxim to be screwing around with my models before I film them. After writing back and forth for a while, Timo and I decided to go downstairs and to sit and talk in the lobby. We And so at 5:30am a very surprised lobby security guard glanced in our direction as we parked ourself and started to talk.

Our chat helped sum up our feelings on issues. We agreed that Maxim was going a bang-up job in recruiting models, and that it would be impossible for us to do this without him. At least anywhere near his ability. (His knowledge of English was flawless, and we have only caught him in minor errors only a handful of times - confusing Spaniard and Hispanic, for example). But we didn't like how he was making the moves on the models before we could finish filming them. We hoped we could find a compromise somewhere. Either way, we agreed that it had nothing to do with him personally.

Timo also illuminated me on why Maxim won't get in front of our camera. His theory is that Maxim considers our work substandard and only wants to do professional porn. He probably envisioned us as bring more hi-tech equipment with us. Also, neither of us are his physical type (he likes muscle boys with built abs), so that doesn't incline him to work with us. Certainly he didn't have any interest in doing a scene with me.

I agreed with Timo's theory. It was the only one that made sense. It also helped bring closure to what was a troublesome issue to the Aaron/Timo - Maxim relationship. We kept bugging him to be in our vids, but he was too polite to say our work was "beneath him." We had no problem that he didn't want to be in our vids, as each of us knew producers whose work we didn't care for. In fact we decided we were rather glad, as now we knew why not to pressure him to be in our vids. And pressuring him less would certainly take some of the recent strain off our relationship.

So as 7:00 rolled around we wandered into the buffet to get breakfast and talk. Nothing new to report there, so we went upstairs. The room smelled like sex, and Timo told me he thought the two had been going at it. I wasn't sure, but tended to agree with Timo. We whispered for a minute and decided to try a plan B. Anytime Maxim pulled out our dick and made the moves on our models, we'd throw a model release in his face. As soon as he signed it he was welcome to continue. After peeking at my e-mail online Maxim woke up. We talked for a while then he took a shower and went down to breakfast. It was around 10:00am, and we wanted to slowly get the morning filming going, as we wanted to keep our afternoon free in case we needed to go look at that model book for the military escort agency.

I climbed in bed next to Anton and began rubbing his back. To my surprised I realized he was covered with half-healed scratches, and some of what looked like older welts. He also had several scars of what looked like cigarette burns. I immediately began feeling sorry for whatever he had been through. No one should ever be subject to such abuse.

Anton didn't respond to my touch, as he was sound asleep. So after while Maxim returned and we began to talk. Timo and I didn't bring up our morning conversion with him, as we didn't feel it was the appropriate time. We'd get through the Anton filming scene and then debate on how to address it. If the Anton was a loss because he was too sexually tired to perform, we'd not worry about it and use it as the excuse to talk to Maxim. Overall we felt fairly good about the situation. We'd either get a good scene, or have a logical reason to tell Maxi to cool it.

I think I should be clear in all this that we don't dislike Maxim at all. We like him very much, and as Timo puts it, "we also respect you. That's even more important in my book." We simply had to work through a difference of opinion in our relationship, and had to work through it in way that is fair and equable to everyone involved. We were paying Maxim to be our guide and to help with interpreting and filming videos, but we weren't paying him so much that we "owned him" for the duration of our stay. Anyway, once the difference was out of the way our friendship and business relationship could continue unabated.

Fortunately for us, Anton didn't have a sexual exhaustion problem. He took a shower and then declared that he was horny and wanted to sex. Timo took the opportunity to suck on him and eat out his ass for a while. I was fiddling with the camera and otherwise getting ready for the scene. Eventually Timo stepped back and invited me to "get to work." Without hesitation I began. The very horny (and very naked) Anton awaited.

The scene with Anton differs from everything I have filmed so far in St. Petersburg in that it entirely occurs on a chair. A living room padded chair, that is One with bad 70's style upholstery, too. It worked great for our purposes though, and the sex worked out quite well. First we kissed, ten we sucked each other, and then we decided to 69. But rather than leave the chair to do that, I actually climbed onto the top of the chair and put myself on it upside down so that we could 69. You'll have to see the position to fully appreciate it.

When it came time for fucking, Anton turned out to be a bottom. Not surprise there, eh? For some reason most of the boys from St. Petersburg I filmed were bottoms. The only exception was Zhenya, and he was from outside a nearby city. Something in the St. Petersburg water, perhaps? Either way, I fucked him REALLY good and he came while I pumped my dick up his ass. I didn't worry about fucking because I knew I was going to need my stamina later today. And besides, it's not like the audience hasn't seen me cum before. I like to do it often on tape, but it's not like you'll miss something critical if its not in a scene.

A funny story. While looking at the guys we filmed, Anton started to laugh. He realized he knew Zhenya from the bars. Zhenya likes young guys, and Anton's smooth baby-face turned him on. (Anton is 19 and has never needed to shave his face. It feels incredibly smooth and doesn't have a single blade of natural hair growing from it). Anyway, Anton didn't like Zhenya because of an incident they had at a bar once when Zhenya was hitting on Anton. Needless to say, it became quite clear that keeping them apart would be an excellent idea. That wouldn't be a problem though, as we had no need to have the two of them in the same place at the same time. Oh, Anton said Zhenya also hustled the bars, too. Funny, considering Zhenya said he was very particular about those he went to bed with. Dunno who is right here, but it makes for an amusing story.

After the scene was over we talked about what to do next. Timo wanted to take a nap. Maxim wanted to do the same and needed to wait for the military agency owner to call. I knew I should as well, but the sex had me feeling wired. I was curious to get to know Anton a bit more though. He had said he started working as a stripper in St. Petersburg when he was 16. That really made me wonder how his life has taken the directions it has. Between the abuse marks on his back and ready access to drugs in the city, I was worried about him.

Maxim and Anton told us about a friend of Anton's they had run into the night before. Alexi (#2) was a cute, young, smooth boy who would be perfect for our purposes. That sound great with me - when could he be here? Timo was still hoping to get a pair of military boys (a soldier and a sailor, he said), so he gladly offered me this scene. I accepted - Alexi sounded like he would be perfect for my vids. I was hoping I could film a scene between him and the sexually insatiable Anton while I took a break to recharge. Anton was making vague comments about wanting a threesome though, so it remained to see what would finally happen.

I paid Anton for the first scene and we took a walk out to the nearby McDonalds where we were to meet Alexi. On the way we passed a babushka, an elderly woman. She was quietly begging for money along the sidewalk, as a we have seen a number of old (age 70+) women doing. Anton explained they had no money and no family to take care of them, and were too old to work any longer. It was difficult for their pride but they begged because the alternative was to die. I gathered whatever social programs existed just didn't cover for this. Perhaps they had lost their savings in the banks? Remember that the rouble experienced a financial crisis several years ago in which the currency was re-evaluated to 1/4 of its value in one day. People lost decades of savings in a single stroke, an irrecoverable blow in the wake of increasingly turbulent times.

Anyway, Anton walked over to the babushka and put several bills in her cup. She thanked him quietly and he continued on. I was touched. Later that day he gave some change to a small boy (age 10? 11?) who was begging. I asked Anton what he was going to do with the money, to which he sadly responded "probably buy drugs or vodka. Maybe smokes." I asked him why he would give them the money then, and he struggled with the answer for a while. Finally he explained that he believed the boy would die on the streets in five or so years. At least this way the boy would be happy for a while. I didn't know how to respond to this.

We arrived at the McDonalds and sat down to wait. Anton was hungry so he bought a small ton of food. I wasn't, so I just nibbled on an ice cream. During the course of our lunch two 11 year-old girls sat down at the table next to us. One of them turned when she heard me speaking English, and began talking to me. "You speak English!" she exclaimed.

It turns out she had taken three years of English in school and was anxious to practice her skills with a native English-speaker. As near as I could tell she had never met one before. She was only 11, after all, and St. Petersburg does not get a lot of visitors from other countries. (Kind of a chicken-and-the-egg thing on not having many foreign visitors and the ever-present dislike of wealthy foreigners. I'm not sure which factored into the development of the other). Anyway, Anton periodically wanted to get up and walk around looking for Alexi. I took advantage of the opportunity to chat with the girl. I was amused to note that her English was better than any of the boys I had filmed.

Eventually Anton retrieved me and suggested we go back to the hotel. Alexi was over 30 minutes late and was a no-show. We arrived back at the hotel only to find Alexi had just called saying he was running late. He expected to be at the hotel in ten minutes. A few minutes later the phone rang again. It was the owner of the escort agency finally calling. Now our soldier plans would come to fruition.

Maxim did most of the talking in Russian, so it was hard to determine what was going on. He asked me what type of solider I wanted ("boyish and cute, ideally a top"), and what type Timo wanted ("beautiful in the face"). We planned for Timo to have two guys over that evening to try and film, and then me have two on Tuesday. Somehow this went wrong in communication though, and the end result was that one boy matching each of our types were being sent over. The two were expected to arrive around 6:30.

Timo was a bit put-off that he wouldn't get his military scene, so I told Timo to take my model for the evening and to see if he could pair them up. Failing that (some of these soldiers are "straight" and don't do much, after all), I would film the scene for Timo while he sucked off both guys. That could make for a hot scene!

What amazed me in all this was that the agency was only charging 700 roubles ($23) per encounter. There wasn't a set time limit on the encounter, but an hour or two was suggested. Different soldiers had different times they had to report back to their bases or military academies (specialized colleges to train you for the military). Those with later deadlines might opt to stay longer if they were having fun, or if they were given more money to do so.

We had agreed the evening before to pay 500 roubles (not sure why not 700 - xenophobia again, perhaps?) for Maxim's friend to hire a military boy in return for his help in contacting the agency. So we were told a third guy was also on his way over. We weren't sure quite what he would look like.

Before we got to that point though, there was still a second scene to film: Anton and Alexi #2. And when I saw Alexi walk in the door, I was glad I was in Russia. He was boyish, slim, and cute! Very dark in appearance with the most striking eyes. I was instantly taken with him, although he seemed a bit too preoccupied to notice me. Nerves at being about to film a porn movie, perhaps?

Maxim by now knew our video routine by heart, so he was able to give the full "spheel" to Alexi. It turns out he had give much of it the night before while hanging out at the club anyway. At Anton's request, I joined in the scene. Any willpower I had in staying out vanished at the sight of young Alexi. I'm such a sucker for a cute boy.

The scene started out pretty straight forward. The two of them were in towels because they had just taken showers. (Very important when you're working with Russian models, as their standards of hygiene aren't necessarily the same as those of Americans. Fortunately they're happy to take a shower when you request it). I was wearing all my clothes, but the two rapidly threw me on my back and took them off. We all jumped each other and started sucking each other off in a number of positions.

Anton was a big bottom and asked Alexi to fuck him. He did for a moment, but Anton wanted more. He suddenly said he wanted us to double-fuck him. It seemed like a fine idea to me, but Alexi had trouble staying hard. The reason became evident fairly quickly - he was much more of a bottom.

And so both began arguing over who would get fucked by me first. I have never experienced such a thing! There I am with two cute guys on their knees in front of me. They're both begging to be fucked by me. So what could I do? I threw on a condom and plunged into Alexi's butt. I fucked him for a few minutes then pulled out, changed condoms, and went for a ride in Anton. Fun stuff!

I continued switching back and forth while the two of them got it on in various positions. Sometimes I would fuck Alexi while the two of them kissed, and sometimes I would really nail Anton's butt while he 69'ed with Alexi. There really was no formula. Just a lot of fun and a lot more fucking. There was amazing chemistry and heat in this scene. It was exactly what I wanted to film in Russia.

Quick side note. During the time when Anton and Alexi were fighting over who I would fuck first, Maxim spoke up with a suggested subtitle for this video. He suggested I call it "St. Petersburg Sluts". The English speakers among us went into hysterics. I really liked the title, but was worried people would think it was degrading. I don't ever believe in degrading my models. I use the term slut in friendly fun or campy sort of fashion, but don't know that others would take it that way. Bummer, since its a great title.

Anyway, eventually it became time for the cumshots. Like last time, Anton came while I was fucking him. Alexi had much more trouble, and wanted to suck on someone's dick. I was burned in Anton's butt at the time, and Timo was busy filming the video. So Maxim grinned and dropped his pants and moved in on Alexi. It went well between them. Alexi gave him quite a servicing for the next ten minutes. Timo and I nodded approvingly, too. We very much liked how the scene was progressing.

Alexi gave us his cumshot in the end. Unfortunately a quick glance at the clock realized we had trouble. It was 6pm and the first of the military boys was expected to arrive at 6:30pm. We had to make sure our guests were gone, either Soldiers required seriousness and discretion, and banging two gayboys in front of them wasn't the way to do it.

So the three of us hopped into the shower. I'm afraid I didn't rush them along as fast as I would like. To my surprise Alexi suddenly warmed up to me, and waned to push our bodies to make out in the shower. To make things fair I had to give Anton plenty of attention too, of course, and that prompted Timo to bring in the camera and start filming for a few. Eventually Anton hopped out of the shower leaving Alexi and I alone. We lavished each other with attention and affection. It was all sexual though, in that we didn't know each other well enough for it to be emotional. Still, it was done sensually and gently though. And I was impressed enough with his personality and his looks that I invited him back to film a 1-on-1 scene the next day. He ready accepted. Later I discovered that he had forgotten his ID, and Maxim had already worked out that he would be paid for the scene when he brought his ID the next day. I had known this but had forgotten. But hey! It still looked promising for filming him again.

And so Alexi and Anton left around 6:40. Maxim had parked himself downstairs to interrupt the first solider, Sasha (he'll be known as Alexander in Timo's videos). Funny story: we didn't know what he would look like, and there was a military-looking boy in the lobby pacing around waiting for someone. Maxim asked him if his name was Sasha, and he said yes. He asked if he was waiting for a pair of Americans, and he said no. He was waiting for some Germans. Funny coincidence! Maxim later learned that he was a tour guide waiting for a busload of Germans on their way from the airport.

Sasha showed up around 7:00, and Dimitry (Dima #2) showed up around 7:30. In between there showed up Maxim's friend from the park, as he was to meet his boy there as well. Sasha was 18 (looked about 21-23) and had short curly blond hair and like Timo requested, a beautiful face. Dima was more boyish in appearance and looked in his late teens. Timo was happy to pair them together, and was only regretful that Dima had to leave by 9:20pm at the latest. He had to be back at his academy in full uniform in line by 10pm for inspection.

Speaking of uniforms, Dima was unable to bring his along. Sasha had his though, and was decked out in the full uniform of a Russian naval cadet. And let me tell you, this was sexy! My only regret was that the batteries died on my digital camera before I could get a picture of him in uniform. If you like military boys you'd cream in your pants! These outfits are far more sexy than the American ones. Fortunately he has to come back tomorrow to bring his ID as well (and thus be paid), so if he has his uniform on I'll have another chance to take his picture for you all. (And never fear, if worse comes to worse I have it on video. You'll get a still shot sometime in June of what his uniform looks like).

Timo was bummed about the time issue, but liked his looks enough he was willing to film a scene in which he sucked off both of them rather than had them get it on. That would be quicker and easier for them. We told Maxim's friend we'd take these two, and he could wait for the third boy in the lobby. Whenever he arrived they could depart for wherever they would be screwing around. I mused to Maxim that I wish I could have seen what he looked like. He replied that I would have my chance as the third guy would be coming back the next night. This surprised both Timo and I, but as the keeper of our appointment secretary we let Maxim handle these matters. We just sucked and fucked and filmed whenever appropriate.

And so I filmed while Timo did his scene. It involved Timo servicing and blowing Dima while Dima and Sasha (again, Alexander in Timo's videos) screwed around. Dima blew a huge load and then got ready to depart. Timo then started in on Sasha. Sasha took a long time to cum, but did just fine in the end.

And me? Well, I'm naughty. We all know this. I asked Dima if he'd come back the next evening to film a scene with me. He agreed, and Maxim set up a time (not sure for when). After Sasha finished his part in the scene, I asked him if he'd like to stay and film a scene with me. He agreed to that as well. We decided to go down to the restaurant for dinner in the meantime. It would give Sasha a chance to recharge that way. I wasn't hopeful that Sasha would be rock hard or super responsive on film, but I just had to play with a military boy in uniform. Damn it was sexy! I really got off looking at it. Still do whenever I think about it.

Dinner was uneventful, but returning from dinner security stopped us and asked for our ID cards for our room. I thought nothing of it, but Maxim thought the hotel might be catching on to what we were doing. We had been bringing in a string of boys for the past few days, after all. Fortunately we were within 36 hours of leaving St. Petersburg, so I don't think the hotel will bother us.

My scene was done in several parts. At first I had Sasha show off his uniform and talk about the significance of various stripes, pins, patches, and the like. Then the two of us jumped on the bed and began making out. I knew that he had a girlfriend and that he was only somewhat bisexual, but he sure did get into kissing! That's usually the first thing to go on "straight" guys. Unfortunately his limits were that he didn't get fucked and he didn't give oral sex. Still, he was a lot of fun to roll around the bed and play with. And we sure did a lot of that!

Knowing that he was too sexually tired to do much more than jack off, I didn't really attempt to do much more in my scene. I did suck on him for a while though - I wouldn't have missed that for the world. We eventually jacked ourselves off. I had Sasha play with my balls as we made out. That was fun! Sasha preferred to jack himself off while laying on his back. We got some great footage of what is really a beautiful male form. Can't wait to edit up that scene.

To Timo and my surprise, he requested copies of the tape (in the European PAL format, of course) when we were done. Most of the boys had no interest in seeing their scenes. And we learned over the course of the evening that Sasha's English was a lot better than he initially led on. He told me when I first asked him about English that he only spoke a few words. Later he was carrying on basic-to-moderate conversations with us, and constantly telling Maxim he didn't need a translation of what I was saying. Methinks he wanted to feel us out under the guise of not being able to understand what we were saying. Crafty!

And so ends June 4th. I have spent about two hours writing this update, and am exhausted and want to go to bed. I'll upload it in the morning - I'm too tired to do so now. Besides, I need more batteries for my camera before I can transfer the pictures.

One more thing. Maxim was going out for the evening with a Ukranian hunk he met the night before at Club 69. After talking it over, Timo and I decided we were no longer upset with Maxim in the slightest. He had worked his butt off all day long for us, and had done a great job of it without the slightest complaint. He talked about wanting to bang one of the military boys tomorrow, so Timo and I agreed to pick up the costs for him. $23 ain't that much of a strain on our budget, after all. And he would very much appreciate the gift itself. Will let you know if/how/when it turns out.

The score: I have 7 out of 12 scenes with only 4 out of 12 days completed. Timo has 2 scenes done and wants to film 1 more strong one in Moscow. Furthermore it will be much easier to find models in Moscow than in St. Petersburg by all accounts. At this rate I will be filming four videos in Russia, perhaps a whopping five!! Alternately, I am debating on trying to set up a giant orgy for our last day in Moscow. They're a bitch to organize, but wouldn't it be amazing? Chemistry is a major issue though. I've filmed some great models here in Moscow that would absolutely not be good matches with each other.

- Our final day to film in Moscow.
- Dima #2 comes back to film with me.
- Roma (from Timo's 1st scene) is calling to see if he can do a scene with me.
- Zhenya is set to come over to do his missing cumshot for the first scene. He's also saying he has a cute military friend who may come by to be on video as well.
- The faceless "third military guy" from this evening is set to come over.
- Possible other military guys are coming over?
- Timo and Maxim want to hit the hermitage in the morning.
- I need to film some nonsexual footage of St. Petersburg for my video.
- I need SLEEP!!!

Tune in for the next update, coming soon!

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