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Message Board > Our Archives > Aaron's Adventures in Russia   Aaron's Adventures in Russia

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Old 27th May 2001, 02:13 PM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 11
Post Aaron's Adventures in Russia

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to welcome you to my little message board here. As the cruismaster was so polite to announce, I am off to Russia on May 30th with Vidkid Timo. Both of us are porn actors and producers, and are going to produce amateur gay videos with some of the hottest guys in the country!

Timo prefers to get sleep at night, but I much prefer sharing my experiences with the world. So tune in here every day and you'll receive the latest chapter on our trip, along with all sorts of details and more.

A few notes for you about our trip...

1 - As I said, we're porn producers. To learn more about me, you can visit my website at . To learn more about Timo, visit .

2 - Here's our itiniery...

May 30th - We depart from Newark Airport
May 31st - We arrive in Paris, fly on to Moscow, and take a Russian airline up to St. Petersburg.
May 31-June 6 - We're exploring the gay and sexual sides of the cities while filming all the models we've lined up in advance.
June 6 - We fly on to Moscow
June 6-12 - We ravish the young men of Moscow. All for the sake of our art, of course.
June 12 - We fly home. Wish we could stay one more day, as this is the Russian national "Independence Day."

3 - You'll hear a lot about Maxim, our guide. He is a Russian guide we have hired to accompany us on the trip. He's also young and gorgeous, and he's done videos for French director Cadinot before. You'll see him on at least one scene on the tape.

4 - Alas, I can't post pictures here in the message boards. When the cruisemaster finishes his June roadtrip, he will be putting these updates on a special page on the site along with pictures of the guys I film. In the meantime, if you want to see my digital camera's pictures, drop by

5 - If you'd prefer, you can get these updates directly to your e-mailbox. Just go to this page to be added:

Hmmm, I think that's all! So I'll head out here. Tune back sometime on the 31st to read my first update.

--Aaron Lawrence
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