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Old 16th June 2001, 11:26 AM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 11
Post Aaron's Adventures in Russia - Update 9

Day 9 - Maxims

June 8, 2001
Hotel Katerina

A few days ago I complained about having a particularly long today. As with all things in life, it has finally met its karmic balance. Today was particularly short, with less than usual to report. So while I'm waiting for room services to bring me my dinner, I'll write to you about what happened. (I'm having French fries with salsa and "Gravlax toast" with honey mustard whatever that is. I'll let you know when it arrives).

Today started out with me waking up around 9:30am. Timo was already up and was feeling perky and happy. We talked for a while then went down to breakfast. Over breakfast Timo gave me a talk about how I was beginning to get a bit crazy about the idea of filming in the military brothel. As Timo put it, "here in the hotel you are on our ground. You are the customer here and are unlikely to be assaulted or robbed. But in that barracks you are on their turf. If the soldiers decide they want to take your camera and your money, there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

I fumed a bit, but finally had to admit he was right. It was exceedingly dangerous to walk in there with a camera and start talking to people about wanting to film there. I had a few ideas about acceptable compromises, such as going in there, hiring a guy, and paying him extra to take few pictures of him in uniform. Even g-rated pictures if that was all I could get. Or perhaps talking to him and hiring him to come to my hotel (not in uniform, but carrying it with him) the next day so I could interview him on tape about what it was like working in the brothel. Then have sex with him, of course. : ) I have lots of ideas. I'll let you know what finally happens. If anything - Timo definitely thinks I could proceed extremely cautiously if I explore the brothel at all. This ain't exactly the Blue Boy in Amsterdam we're talking about, and they don't have happy hour.

Since Maxim and Nikita weren't meeting us until noon, back in the room I picked up my note pad and started making a few notes based on what I wanted to film and what sort of budget I have. I started filling in blanks with the names of the models I wanted to work with. I still had a few blanks, but not as many as I thought. I have been innundated with models here in Moscow, and my filming is slowly coming to a close. Not as much for a lack of time to film, as I could cram a bit more in than I am doing, but for a lack of funds. I had planned on doing three videos in Russia but brought more cash "just in case." Not only am I filming four tapes instead of three, I believe I will be able to film a Russian orgy on Monday with six or so Russian boys. Talk about awesome! I can hardly wait. That'll be the harder one to cast. I need to select guys that will have a good chemistry together. That's hard to do when I can't speak the language and can't talk to people. I have to do it based more on intuition, and how the models look and act when they talk.

(By the way, dinner has arrived. Gravlix toast is a piece of thick white toast with lots of salmon and lettuce on it. Very good.)

Maxim and Nikita ran late and didn't arrive until 1:30 or so. Timo and I just hung out in the room waiting for them. During that time Timo did a song and dance routine from the Music Man. It was absolutely hysterical as he sang the song about Iowa. I taped it so I could show it to Jeff when I get home. It's probably the silliest thing I have ever seen Timo do, and that's pretty damn funny.

We also brainedstormed filming ideas for the giant orgy. If chemistry was going to be an issue, we definitely wanted to have a few visually appealing options to put into place. For example, I had the idea of having all six guys kneel on the bed with their butts in the air. Timo could start rimming them all one by one going right down the line. We came up with a few other good ones as well. Watch for the video - hope it's a go!

Maxim arrived so I went over my proposed schedule and filming notes with him. He immediately said we could do lots more filming than what I planned, and announced all the new models that would be waiting for us on Sunday. I started to laugh and had to calm him down - I was reaching the end of my money on the trip, and I couldn't readily get more cash. He understood but still seemed to like the idea of me filming more guys. He finally understood my situation when I said I could hire 12 more boys for scenes and then I started paying models out of his salary. He got the message very quickly at that point. Haha!

I had learned to trust Maxim's judgement on models and what I would like (he had been right about fifteen times and wrong once - pretty good track record in my book), so I started letting him schedule models to film. For a porn producer that takes a lot of trust. He called a few people and set up appointments, and so we filled in a few more blanks on my schedule. We should do the bulk of my remaining filming today (Friday) and tomorrow, and on Sunday we will film any remaining scenes and recruit for the remaining orgy on Monday. Monday afternoon will be the orgy and then we're taking the evening off to celebrate. Conveniently Tuesday is their Independence Day, so Monday is a national holiday as well giving everyone a four day weekend. That means we'll have no problem assembling the models for our big orgy.

Timo also did a little planning as well. He had Maxim call Dima the Driver (argh! Where are the Yuris and Mikaels and Ivans?) and set up their filming session for tomorrow at 10am. Dima even said he would bring his marine uniform, as he used to be in the service. It's for Timo's videos and not mine, and will be a full sex scene between Timo and Dima. It was going to be just a jackoff scene, but then Timo and Dima hit it off. I'm looking forward to the scene. It'll be my first time playing cameraman for any of Timo's videos. Hope my camerawork is up to snuff. He's much more experienced at filming than I am, so I don't want to disappoint him too badly.

Once we had our schedule figured out, the next step was to find a place to do laundry. Timo and I had run out of clean clothes and were going to start smelling funny if we didn't do something soon. We tracked down a drop-off laundry service not too far away. They could get our clothes cleaned in 24 hours. Useful since a lot of places in the neighborhood wouldn't promise us that with the upcoming holiday weekend. They had two restrictions though. The first was that they didn't want to deal with button-down shirts. Not sure why on that one. The second was that they didn't clean underwear! We found that baffling, but learned that was common practice with some laundry services. I gather the public perception here is that underwear is far more dirty than we view it in the west. Interesting cultural difference. (I personally found it funny because people in the USA buy my used underwear for masturbation fun, but here I couldn't even pay someone to bleach them).

We hopped on a tram and took a ride towards the riverfront. I sat next to Maxim and was chatting with him when two Russian guys started talking about us. I couldn't tell what they were saying, but Maxim translated for us. Apparently they were from a rural part of Russia and had rarely ever seen a foreigner before. They talked openly until they noticed a note in Maxim's hands written in Russian. At that point they thought he might understand Russian, so they started talking in low tones. Not low enough though, as Maxim kept translating for me.

Since one of the guys was good looking, I began staring back at him. He wasn't as cute as the models in my videos, but he did have the most gorgeous blue eyes. I would have loved to stare into them for hours. (Or at least until the next Russian pretty boy stole me away). He stared back at me as well. I didn't flirt with him for too long though. I wasn't going to get anywhere with the straight rural Russian in a million years. : )

The boat ride was very enjoyable. It went up the river for about two hours. We had lots of opportunities to film monuments, cathedrals, buildings, and the Kremlin. Not to mention cute guys - two sailors on the boat were very attractive. Maxim kept pushing me to try to get one to film a quick jackoff scene for me. An amusing thought, but I can't imagine what he would have thought if I blatantly propositioned him. He'd have probably been horribly offended until he learned what I was paying. Then it would be a 50/50 chance between being thrown overboard and filming the scene. Somehow I didn't think there was a middleground between the two.

During the boat trip I mentioned to Maxim that although I knew it was not possible, someday I'd love to come back to the military brothel with $2000 to spend and hire a bunch of them to have an orgy in the middle of the building. To my surprise Maxim didn't say it was impossible. Instead he said that I could probably get them to do that for much cheaper. Timo was just as surprised as I am, making me wonder if filming there wasn't as dangerous or risky as I initially thought. I'll find out in the next day or two, I hope. Even if I only scout the brothel for filming on a future trip, I'd love to check it out.

I had one other thought, something that I KNOW is impossible. What would happen if I was ever able to film Russian and American soldiers having sex together? I'd win "Best Amateur Video" at the gay video awards for certain. I'd probably also start an international incident. Timo laughed at my idea and said he hoped it would bring the countries together. Somehow I think it would start World War III and it would be all my fault.

The boat trip ended and it was time to zoom back to the hotel. We were meeting Maks (An unusually spelled short form of Maxim), a Moscow escort who is also the ex-lover of Yannosh, an old escort friend of mine. Some of you who were hip on the escort scene four or five years ago may remember him. He lived in London and was one of the UK's first online escorts.

Anyway, Maks was exceedingly good looking and almost as nervous. To break the ice, we began by taking a shower together. His English was fairly good, so it gave us the chance to talk and get to know each other. I learned he was 22 and that he had lived in Moscow all his life. It also gave us the chance to kiss and play, something we did without hesitation.

Returning to the bedroom we began shooting our scene together. Maks had some trouble getting hard at first because of his nerves, so we spent lots of time cuddling, kissing, and sucking on each other. I later learned he had cum earlier that day on an escort appointment, hence why he was a bit slowed down. Not a problem - I had fared far worse in my videos. And he was extremely attractive which made any delay enjoyable.

We rolled around on the bed playing for a while, and then I started working on his ass. I sucked on it for a while and happily rimmed it, then I began finger it starting with my pinky. I quickly moved up to my pointer finger, then two fingers, and finally he was ready for some action. He told me he wasn't sure he could take my dick, but I assured him he'd do just fine. Sure enough he did! I banged him in several positions before it was time for a change.

We sat up together and he helped me jack off. I blew a big load all over him. He had trouble cumming though, so eventually we agreed that he would return on Sunday to film his cumshot. He wouldn't jack off until then so he'd be all hard and ready to go. To be honest, I was glad he was coming back to do the shot. It meant that I'd have another opportunity to play with him and help him get hard. Not to mention kiss him - he really is a wonderful kisser.

Maks left and Maxim arrived. Not Maxim the guide, but Maxim the next model. Yes, it was confusing. For a while we had three Max's in the room. ARGH! I am not sure how I'm going to get around the issue of naming him on the video. I already have the guide Maxim doing cameos in a number of scenes. If I called this model just Maxim, it would confuse everyone. So I think I'll wind up calling the guide Maxim #1, and the model Maxim #2. Maks will remain Maks - that's distinctive enough, at least in writing.

Before we could film Maxim's scene the new Madonna video came on tv. The one that was banned in the USA, that is. I was surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be. To be honest, I found it quite sad that it was banned. Certainly it was violent, but it contained nothing that you couldn't see on prime time TV. From an artistic point of view it was exceedingly well done.

We flipped the tv off and got to work. Nikita hopped up on the bed with Maxim #2. The two of them started doing a scene together. It was... well, hot! Anything Nikita is in would be hot though. He has star-quality, something that I never had for all of my successes in life. He's absolutely beautiful to behold. And I don't mean beautiful in the way everyone else I have described as beautiful is, I mean BEAUTIFUL. I'll let you see for yourself in the pictures.

The scene started with the two kissing, went to oral sex, and then to anal sex. Maxim came while Nikita was fucking him, and then Nikita beat off while Maxim helped him out. I had only two regrets about the scene. One is that I didn't get to play with Nikita. Damn that boy is beautiful! Just as well though since he's becoming romantically involved with Maxim the guide. I wouldn't want to interfere with their developing relationship, even by accident. The second is that I wish the scene could have been longer. I got about 25 minutes of footage, perhaps five of which may be lost when the scene is edited. Depending on how much editing on that entire video I need to do, I may release the entire 25 minutes so the audience will have an idea what a "real porn scene" looks like, as opposed to just the editing parts. Since I had to translate a lot of instructions through Maxim the guide, the audience will get a glimpse into what goes through the mind of a director. We'll see how it turns out.

Eventually everyone left. I ordered room service, flipped on the computer, and started typing. And here I am!

Score: 13 of 16 sex scenes now filmed with three full days of filming left. My orgy video has six slots for boys, three of which have been cast. I have not investigated the brothel yet. Timo has one scene left to film. The trip is coming to a close fast!

- Dima #3 is coming over to film Timo's scene at 10am.
- We're meeting Ruslan (pronounced Roo-Slahn) at escort agent's place at 3pm.
- The escort agent is having several other young guys over for me to recruit for my films.
- Andre (and Alexi #3?) is coming by the escort agent's place with a roommate of theirs, Yuri. They tell me he's very young and cute and wants to do a scene for me.
- I hope to investigate the brothel in the late evening.

Time to head out for the night!

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