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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Alabama   Fun at the Cahaba River Bridge

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Old 6th August 2006, 11:58 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 13
Cool Fun at the Cahaba River Bridge

Hey guys I'm a 22 yr old 5'10 209lbs dude looking for some fun on Monday and Tuesday. I would love to meet someone at the Cahaba River Bridge then suck some dick and I would love an ass to fuck. I love nothing more than to fuck a hot ass!!! If you are interested in getting together be disease free (I am) and be 18-30 yrs old. You can post on here that you are interested or email me at Thanks and please let me know something as soon as you can. I plan on being there from 10 or 11am- around 1 or 2pm. So let me know ASAP. If you are an older guy, but young looking send me a pic to my email and I'll let you know if I'm interested.
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