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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Announcements and News from CRUISING for SEX   Additional Issues From Browser Updates Oct. 16 Onwards

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Old 23rd October 2015, 05:40 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557
Additional Issues From Browser Updates Oct. 16 Onwards

This is to let y'all know of another problem I've been working with that probably you've already noticed.

On many of the pages on parts of CRUISING for SEX, for example the Main Home Page, the Sex Listings, CRUISING for ESCORTS, and other pages have been having blinking text on their links. They start out black, as normal, but flicker into white then to black again.

After some investigation, I think this is being caused by new security measures that web browsers are placing on certain types of scripting and HTML iframes that have been exploited by hackers.

This seems to affect the current version of our banner ad software, at least for the ads that reload in the same location as you are viewing the page. Part of that seems to be causing the "blinking" or "flickering" problem with the links.

Please be patient and know I'll be working on this as well as the problem with the Sex Listings geolocation search. Many things seem to be happening at once.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 31st October 2015, 01:35 AM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557

Working this week on this, I found that it was related to the type of ad that "rotates in place," changing from one banner to another on the same page,

The correction seems to be to make sure all are in sync, rotating at the same interval. This was not in the ad program's documentation, of course. It seems related to how it causes web pages ti refresh interacting with the browser updates.

One of those rotating ads was the "drop in" ad layer on the CRUISING for SEX Home Page and also the home pages of the Sex Listings, Message Board, Cruiser Gallery, and the related sites.

I am in the midst of removing the "drop in" ad from these pages. However, I might not be able to get all of them done tonight. It's been a long day, 1:30 a.m. where I live. There's only me to work on this and I just completed the CRUISING for SEX Home Page update -- late -- and have not yet started the site's weekly newsletter.

That newsletter will likely be shorter than usual this week, although sending it out is part of trying to keep CRUISING for SEX above water.

I want to restate that right now, our only funds come from the ads, and we're losing money. That means I can't hire help to get the many needed tasks done. Everything takes much longer than it should.

Keith didn't charge you to use the site and I won't either. However, I'm exploring possible additional funding mechanisms, including paid membership options, that may help without taking anything away from those who see the site for free: With. All Those Ads. Perhaps you can read between the lines.

I hope I will be able to offer you more information soon and get your input before I make a decision. I will do that in a separate discussion.
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