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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Announcements and News from CRUISING for SEX   New Article About CFS: Cruising Isn't Dead—If You Know Where to Look from Broadly

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Old 14th January 2016, 11:19 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557
New Article About CFS: Cruising Isn't Dead—If You Know Where to Look from Broadly

Here's another article about this web site. It's from Broadly, VICE Media's sex-positive news site.

Take a look: Cruising Isn't Dead—If You Know Where to Look traces the history of the site and also has an interview with me, since I've been sort of "keeping the flame alive" that Keith Griffith lit.

Keith had actually asked me to take charge of the site in the summer of 2012, anticipating his passing which came in September. As one who'd done consulting and programming for him since 2000, I was familiar with almost all the site's set-up and programming as well as the processes needed to keep the site going.

The interview goes a little bit beyond the recent Atlas Obsura article about CFS, since it includes more of my recent perspective rather than focusing on the early days. It also has some little bits of opinion, some of which I've already shared here on the Message Board in one discussion thread or another.

Anyhow, please read the article and pass it along to your (ahem!) appropriate friends. And do please come back here to share your reaction.

~ Bob S. Manager/Editor

By the way, you'll see my actual, lengthy, Polish surname in the article. That's the main reason that I'm always "Bob S." here on CFS, since a name that long with so many i's and e's and a cz on the end is too much for most English-speakers to handle.
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