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Message Board > Announcements From and Your Feedback to CRUISING for SEX > Announcements and News from CRUISING for SEX   Changes: Ending & + Rehosting

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Old 15th February 2018, 12:50 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557
Changes: Ending & + Rehosting

The two sites Communal Stall Wall and Adopt a Sex Pig are going to be shut down on or about February 28, 2017.

I've made this decision because these two have very few visitors, only a couple hundred per month, and because both sites have issues and problems with their software that I can't resolve.

Beyond that, neither site has had an effective business logic for years, long before Keith, the creator of the sites, passed away in 2012.

The Stalls site, online hookup personals started in the late 1990s, lost its audience once Craigslist became popular in the mid-2000s for M2M hookups. Even though Keith and I tried two totally different software platforms to revive the Stalls, it never brought the users back.

As for the AdoptASexPig site, Keith had started it in the mid-2000s originally as yet another attempt to provide a more bare-bones user experience, like Craigslist, except he marketed it to the leather/fetish community. I remember him going to IML one year to introduce it. He brought along printed versions of all the cruisy places from the Sex Listings in Chicagoland.

However, I always doubted that Keith had a good handle on this market niche. In any case, other sites -- particularly Recon and FetLife -- did a better job than our Pig site did, and they had the resources, whether working hands or money, to develop into thriving online communities.

This is going to happen in the context of moving both CRUISING for SEX (CFS) and also the CRUISING for ESCORTS (CFE) to a new web host. This is a cost-cutting measure but it should also provide faster servers and a platform where the badly needed improvements to CFS can happen. Although the CFE escort site audience is less than in the past, I'm keeping it alive for now because it also generates an income stream.

I'll confess this is a big move and I have a lot of anxiety about it. I've been looking at rehosting since November, finally arranging to work with a tech consultant friend on it now. It's one of those things I can't do on my own.

I hope that disruptions in service here on CFS during this time will be minimal. With any luck, we'll have this done by the beginning of March.

As always, I'm grateful for your patience and support.

Bob S. ~ Manager/Editor
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Old 16th February 2018, 11:51 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

What is involved is WAY over my head -

But good luck and thanks for the warning - if I find the site unreachable for a day or 2 I won't panic.
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