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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Arizona   Why is it so difficult . . .

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Old 9th September 2007, 06:26 PM
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 18
Why is it so difficult . . .

. . . to find an older guy, 55+, with a stiff penis, who will help a younger guy (40yo) realize his goal of being an anal bottom. I need a stronger man, with a place of his own, who can meet me during the day, take the time to open me up with his finger, and then slowly insert his penis and move back and forth. I am very safe and discreet and always use rubbers.

If interested, shoot me back.

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Old 15th September 2007, 02:03 PM
Yearn_for_Facials's Avatar
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Posts: 361
Red face Not sure . . .

I can't speak for other men, but I guess for myself the older I get the more compelled I am to be submissive. And, I have been attracted to the male penis my whole life, but that urge gets stronger and stronger with each passing year. At this point I would love to suck cock daily and I've never been interested in anal -- much.

I know this doesn't answer your question, but at least I've given my viewpoint, which comes from a 51-year-old.

Good luck finding what you want.

- Jim

"It's not uncommon to arrange for a facial as the final part of fellatio or masturbation or other sexual acts, either to show acceptance and comfort with the presence of semen or simply as part of sex play."

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Old 15th September 2007, 02:10 PM
Yearn_for_Facials's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 361
Red face Actually . . .

Actually, after reading your original post it is pretty exciting and got me hard!

I bet that would feel good for you (anal penetration) and you seem to be the director of the action & boss of what you want.

I'm wondering if you would be willing to fuck my face in return for me giving you want you want. There are always possibilities...

It's not easy for 50+ men to get erections but I'm fully hard right now thinking more about your thread. I like a man telling me what to do, and you've succeeded in getting me excited.

- Jim

"It's not uncommon to arrange for a facial as the final part of fellatio or masturbation or other sexual acts, either to show acceptance and comfort with the presence of semen or simply as part of sex play."

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