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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Arizona   Still Looking . . .

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Old 8th April 2009, 08:12 AM
Yearn_for_Facials's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 361
Still Looking . . .

Good Morning!

I am still searching for a man (or maybe a couple men) who is sexually active and enjoys achieving an erection, loves stimulation and climaxing, and likes to cum inside another’s mouth.

My goal is to meet someone nearby so that I can give you pleasure twice per day, if possible (in the mornings before work and then another, longer session in the evenings).

Contact me for location information.

Hopefully there is someone out there who likes to feel good often and savors his release. I simply want a penis inside me and would like the health benefits of daily doses of sperm.


- Jim

"It's not uncommon to arrange for a facial as the final part of fellatio or masturbation or other sexual acts, either to show acceptance and comfort with the presence of semen or simply as part of sex play."

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