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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Asia   Jakarta - ri.:

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Old 16th February 2009, 12:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 3,015
Jakarta - ri.:

-- This forenoon, (16th.), I was chatting with a recent & American acquaintance who gave me the flg. info. about JAKARTA -

1.- Visas bought after arrival but before going-through Immig'n.; no need for add'n. photos.; different rates for short or longer term visas - but not expensive.
- NB.: Immig'n. might require sght of one' ONWARDS tkt..
2.- Unless one has pre-arranged tpt. then do not avail of any touts with their so-called 'Special deals.' but join the queue for 'Silverbird.' airport taxis.
3.- The flg hotel was recommended -
- name: PT. ROTA INT'L. HOTEL,
- addr,: 63, JL. KH. Wahid Hasgin,
JAKARTA, 10350.
- web:
- NB.: above info. from the a/m. hotel's business card.
- I'm told that the htl. charges from USD.26.oo. and UPWARDS per diem; b'fasts. incl.; std. about same as BKK's. SURIWONGSE HOTEL!
4.- In JAKARTA avail of 'Bluebird.' taxis.
5.- Cruisers might like to go to the gen'l. area of the American Embassy:UN. Bldg.;
6.- If you can find a reliable companion then so much the better; especially as JAKARTA's g*y scene is not OPEN like in BKK. but depends MORE upon in-the-know guides and word-of-mouth. But once past the door the scene is not too dissimilar.
- Plenty of men of all ages, preferences & types available; it's not unknown for men to look outside their marriages for add'n. companionship. JAKARTA boz aren't so money-conscious as in BKK. and many are seeking MORE of a longer term relationship.

-- NB.: All of the above info. are second-hand and are personally unverified - but I have little reason to doubt the source, who's a frequent visitor thither.
- Naturally, all the usual precautions about SAFE SEX, looking-after one's valuables etc. etc. apply!
-- E&OE.. -- Bibi.. --
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