-- 'There's a one-eyed yellow idol to the north of Kathmandu, 'Where ... .', (R. Kipling.),. -- Have you looked-at > Gay Asia and Asian Gay and Lesbian Resources by Utopia 乌托邦 - 大同 - Not all that much info., but possibly enough for 'starters.'? Last entries were for may 2010. - thus not all that up-to-date, either. -- ![]()
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-- Craving the indulgence of our esteemed Moderator, (for whom no-one has an higher regard than me:
![]() - The ANNAPURNA CCT. is one of NEPAL'S,(& the world's), most famous treks; the hike to the main pass usually takes some dozen days; but in 2012. a new road will OPEN, reducing the time to just a couple of days of easier riding. - While the new rd. will open-up the pass to many MORE people and open the area to new tourism yet the trek's reputation as a trail of camaraderie and of tea-house-stops will be over-shadowed by the clouds of dust from passing vehicles. - The beauty of the trek is that it is always easy-going enough to cater to all levels of outdoors' enthusiasts. -- Source: themagazine - #196., pub'd. by the BKK. Post. -- ![]()
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