They've bolted and pad-locked the Bi-Lo at Alderly - which was a good beat. I think a little bit of bolt-cutting and screwdriver work and ripping of the silly stickers advertising a security company should get it back up and working.
But WHERE ELSE is there on the Northside!?! Marchant park has gone Chermside has gone Alderly has gone. Somehow I find big parks a little too... threatening.
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It seems most of them have been closed. I am a bigger fan of the park as you can be more sure people who go there especially at night are actually crusining. I thought maybe picking a quiet park like Kalinga Park off park road eagle junction. It has a toilet open late and miles of space to cruise. Easy access and plenty of places to escape if neccesary. Not sure of any others. Went to Marchant Park not long ago and it could easilly pick up again but no one there.
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As far as the after-hours closure of the Bi-Lo at Alderley is concerned, you've only got yourselves to blame. I used to visit there a bit when when I lived in the area. Its beauty was that it was very discreet and anyone not cruising would be unaware that it was a beat. But since the grafitti got out of control, the locks removed and a hole drilled in a door, the place screams "beat" the minute you enter. No wonder it has come to the attention of the owners and probably the Police. Anyway the whole complex is about to undergo a big expansion which no doubt will include sterile anti-beat facilities. As with so many of the good places, it got over-used, abused and closed...
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So it is opened during business hours?
Very true over the graffiti - it got WAY out of hand - it was EVERYWHERE. And that freak'n hole right out in the middle of the place - maybe it got some curious guys looking - but it wasn't worth it. It was a pretty gross place though... and it was rank when some people would sit there smoking for hours - cause there was no exhaust or anything.
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