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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Bi: A Forum for Bi Guys   'How to..' at truck stops?

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Old 5th January 2011, 10:21 AM
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 31

American truck drivers are'nt the same as 'lorry drivers'. If you can find the drivers lounge at truck stops sometimes you can 'talk it up' with drivers over such topics as sports or how do they like the job etc while watching TV. They will let you know if they're looking. At rest areas it's best to let them come to you either in the toilets or at a picnic table. I don't know about the 'interior lights-on' because they are on break and could be doing thier logbook or something. Obviously the eyes have it.
Sadly pimps will offer the services of underage girls (and maybe boys) at the major truckstops as we've read in news reports.
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Old 9th October 2014, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 9

I'm an older truck driver doer from back in the day. (I could write a book) But today, in the US, the do-a-trucker thing is pretty much history and has been for many years. Today it's just a j/o fantasy. There are many reasons for this, not the least has to do with relatively recent DOT enforced security measures. Those drivers are in a sort of prison quite honestly. Even the guys driving these days are quite different bunch from 20-30 yrs ago. "Friendly" "buff" and "kempt" are not descriptions that come to mind. And then there's this more recent sort of reactionary behavior secondary to the gay marriage thing that has aggravated a lot of hetero and even some horny bi men. These days you gotta be EXTRA careful if it's str8 types you like (like I do). You should hear the discussions I overhear at my local MOR str8 bars. Not pretty.

I think the last time I saw a trucker getting done (quite a few years back) the dude that was doing him was wearing make-up a wig panty hose heels and a dress. That says a lot.
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Old 10th October 2014, 01:59 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Being a fellow cruiser for a few years, I cannot but agree with HoneyPot here. The thing is mostly a JO fantasy these days.

There is nothing wrong with having fantasies. But in real life, you want to get some fun and move on. A gay bar, spa, or your usual cruising area may be your best bets.

It takes some experience to gauge the risks involved. Sure, the trucker fantasy may be hot but it is very risky, and most likely pretty difficult to achieve, you may want to look into other options...

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Old 10th November 2014, 11:02 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Having never done this I am probably not the one to offer theories -

But these days I suspect most quick hook-ups are done more via smart phone apps than finding a guy in the mens room. I have seen some hot looking guys at rest stops - but never felt the risk was worth it to take a chance...
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Old 29th May 2020, 07:21 PM
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