I haven't checked out this site in quite awhile...working too much.
ANy news on cruisy gyms in the LA area? It looks like the WeHo 24 Hour Fitness has stopped making guys wear swimsuits in the wet area. The dry sauna is still not open there...it has been months since they started fixing it.
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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Funny that you asked that question today. The water in my apartment building was being worked on last night so I went to the WeHo 24 Hour Fitness (only about 4 blocks from my place) to shower. The steamroom has been totally redone with new steam equipment and new tiles. The steam is very hot and goes on for a long time. You cannot see inside the steamroom from the outside since the steam is so thick. That being said, the hot tub was put out of order for repairs. Can that gym ever have everything working at the same time? It's always something.
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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