If you don't have a car, there is a public bus that runs up and down Century Boulevard all day long. It is $1.25 one way. I work where Century Boulevard meets La Cienega. I saw the Madonna concert at the Forum a few months ago and took the bus and it was so convenient as I didn't have to pay the $20 to park my car and wait in traffic for everyone to leave. It goes right by the 2 Adult Bookstores (they are east of La Brea/Hawthorne) on Century Boulevard. I am not sure of the name of the other one but I will check it out tomorrow and post it.
If you are going to FuBr from Century, you can take La Cienega north to Fairfax or La Brea north and then turn onto Santa Monica Boulevard. FuBar is right across from the French Quarter Restaurant...gay, good comfort food and a fun atmosphere. You can park in the Bank of America after hours for free.
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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