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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Los Angeles Co.   southbay cruising

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Old 9th September 2006, 12:47 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
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southbay cruising

just moved here - tons of parks in the area
(aviation, valley, greenbelt trail, marine ave, poliwog)

any cruisy?
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Old 9th September 2006, 10:55 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 13

hummm interesting he just moved here and knows all of the local park/area names
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Old 10th September 2006, 05:28 AM
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Plus, there is NO profile on him. uummmm
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Old 11th September 2006, 08:55 PM
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guess i got my answer

umm interesting how?
i can read a map - and i ride my bike
so it's pretty easy to find parks...

didn't realize i needed a profile to ask a question on a safe cruising place.

if you were a little less bitchy, you simply could have asked me for that info.

thanks for being so neighborly. i'll find the info out on my own.
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Old 12th September 2006, 10:46 AM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87
Hi Neighbor

The northeast corner of ALONDRA PARK used to be cruisy a number of years ago. Then park security began to crack down on that.

There used to be a restroom at the head of the Hermosa Beach Pier that was cruisy .... even with a glory hole. With the pier renovations that restroom was torn down and a new non-cruising type was built to replace it.

There was a bookstore/arcade on PCH at 6th Street also in Hermosa Beach, UJS Video, that was 'the meeting place' in the South Bay for many years. On the board here the posts went on-and-on how much everyone just loved the place when it was announced they were closing. Property had been sold and a new animal hospital was going in.

Several months ago TENDER BOX at PCH and 8th did an upstairs remodel. I posted "the news" thinking a replacement for USJ, but all-of-a-sudden the threads to my post the locals were now aware of "lewd conduct" (which was never mentioned on any UJS postings - though the posters still on their hands-and-knees at TOMKAT and the alike) and with some queen now being the expert on the Hermosa Beach Vice department. I thought the place had potential, then it was reported that cameras were added to the second level.

THE ESPLANADE in Redondo Beach was very, very cruisy at one time. Recently I have seen some reports on another board that a few of the restrooms on the beach are cruisy again. Personaly I don't know if they are or if someone nearby wishes they were. Of course AT YOUR OWN RISK as I had a friend popped there years ago by an undercover sting in which the guy was wearing a BEKINS MOVING CO shirt.

Awhile back were postings of the beach restrooms at Rosecrans Ave in Manhattan Beach. I haven't seen any postings on it in a long time. Though the parking lot just to the north of Rosecrans called EL PORTO is a great place to watch surfers change into and out of their wet suits in the parking lot. Several stripping completely naked between vehicles.

Redondo Beach has the bar THE DOLPHIN, 1995 Artesia Blvd at Green Lane - that is 2 signals to the east of Aviation Blvd. Place has full-liquior. I hadn't been in the place in several years and recently I started going again. Neighborhood place with every age range, both guys and Lesbians, and a handful of local straight couples. Fridays the more festive evening with a DJ.
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Old 12th September 2006, 11:11 AM
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thanks neighbor

that was definitely what i was hoping for

maybe i'll stop by the dolphin place after some surfer watching
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Old 14th September 2006, 08:39 AM
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Talking friendly neighbors....

The Dolphin's never been my favorite hangout, but maybe if some of the other cruisers here were there.....

Wanna drop in Thursday night about 9 or so?
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Old 14th September 2006, 04:43 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87

Typical sights at El Porto Beach (just picture those guys slipping into and then out their wet suits right at their vehicles) .... the restroom previously listed on CFS is at south end of this parking lot (just take the lot to the far end, which deadends at the restroom). Exit for lot at the center.

To enter this parking lot: take Highland Ave north to 45th Street and make a left at the signal (Chevron gas station at that corner with power plant towers beyond the gas station). Entrance to parking lot at the end of the steep hill .... merge to the right to enter lot. No attendant for lot, pay parking meters. Parking lot closed at night with gates.
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