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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Los Angeles Co.   Spearmint Rhino Status

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Old 7th August 2007, 04:34 AM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1
Spearmint Rhino Status

Got a chance to go in for a sec just to see what is was like.

If any remember, the arcade has gone through a few incarnations.

1. The first arcade was in the same space as the strip club. Go Right, into the club, go left into the video store and behind a curtain the arcade. That was the most awesome time. No one ever bothered you, it was pretty wild at times. Even with open booths, you didn't feel unsafe. In fact the openness made it easy to really enjoy yourselves. It was pretty busy many times. Had my favorite experiences back there with the hot jock guy with a huge one. More hit than miss no matter what you were like.

2. After a time, that arcade was closed and they moved it next door. The booths were private, locking doors, gloryholes and no cameras. It didn't seem as fun to me. The first arcade was like a hidden gem, no attitude, just enough guys to enjoy. The second arcade just had way more guys mostly just walking around, hanging out, waiting for that perfect guy. Squatters would just grab the very best booths and sit. There was fun but you would almost always have to connect through the gloryhole. There was just way more attitude. It felt more unsafe too, employees would easily come back into the arcade, versus the first one where the employee never came back. They mostly seem to want people to put money into the machines.

3. After awhile, they just had to change things, I suspect from being checked out by cops or just what the employees saw. The booths were rearranged, cameras installed, the roofs of the booths removed. The gloryholes did stay. I did see guys doing things but not often, guys would still walk around, but not as many as before, and no one was really using the booths anymore.

4. As of yesterday, I checked the place out. It was entirely empty of people. The gloryholes were covered over. I didn't stay 5 minutes.

It is just sad how a hidden gem turned into something out of control and then collapsed.
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